Fuel Filtration
Cleaning your fuel to provide your customers with the highest quality product

Diesel Fuel Filtration
Contaminated fuel can damage your engine. Today’s diesel engine manufacturers call for fuel to meet or exceed ISO cleanliness levels of 18/16/13 with a water content of less than 0.05%. Not long ago diesel engines were quite simple, not too efficient, smoked, and burned high sulfur fuel, in fact as much as 5,000 parts per million. The older diesel injection systems only use about 1⁄2 the fuel pressure modern engines do, and older injectors send the fuel through much larger passages. If there was a little moisture in the storage tank, the high sulfur content killed most of the filter clogging bacteria and fungi.
Today’s diesel fuel is ultra-low sulfur, markedly 15 parts per million, which allows filter clogging bacteria and fungi to grow rapidly if any moisture is in the fuel storage tank. Modern diesel engines use high pressure, 27,000 to 35,000 psi fuel injectors with tiny fuel passages which are easily clogged with dirty fuel and damaged by water
Fuel Particulates
Most fuel contaminants are heavier than fuel and will settle to the fuel tank bottom if undisturbed. To remove this contamination, it is best to remove free and emulsified water and filter the contents in the lower 5%-15% of the tank. This remediation process will keep from mixing the clean fuel with the contaminated fuel.
We filter the fuel down to below 2 microns which exceeds all engine manufacturer and refinery standards.

Water Removal
We remove all water present in the tank. Water can accumulate due to bad fuel drops, phase separation, and intrusion. Using an advanced coalescer we can remove all water and oil from your tank without wasting any fuel. All fuel is returned to the tank saving you money.